Funded by NASA The Holloway Group leads and contributes to the national NASA team conducting applied research and outreach to link advanced data and tools with air quality and health.
The Holloway Group will apply satellite-derived fine particulate matter data to support air quality analysis in both counties with and without monitors, to better compare exposure between counties.
Funded by NASA & Audi Settlement Fund The Holloway Group works to address the potential for satellite data to support energy decision-making around supply, demand, and environmental impacts.
Funded by NASA Our group leads and contributes to the national NASA team conducting applied research and outreach to link advanced data and tools with air quality and health.
Funded by Texas Air Quality Research Program The Holloway Group collaborates with Ramboll to develop best-practice recommendations to evaluate air emissions with of satellite data.
Funded by NASA Led by former Ph.D. student Alex Karambelas, we conducted and collaborated on a series of studies evaluating emissions, air quality, and health using satellite data and the EPA CMAQ model